Israel - Always Together

We are a nation that each year suffers hate toward our people and our country.
We are Jews; we only have one tiny country that we can call home. Protecting and defending Israel, we have lost many heroes in the past years.
As time passes we have new treats that want the destruction of our people, and our homeland. Because of this, many of our people have lost their Faith in G-D.
We have grown as a united nation, with love and courage, helping everyone we can, praying for one another, because that’s who we are! Jews!
We can’t ever give up, and we will never give up!
We will always support Israel, no matter where we are.
We are proud of having Israel as our home, and we will defend it, as it’s the last thing we do, because Israel is our land, the land that we heritage from our patriarchs, the land that G-D choose for us.
We will always support Israel, no matter where we are.
If the chances come to defend our land from the wrong interpretation of people toward Israel, we have to stand up for what we believe in, and defend our country.
We have to show Israel and to show to each one of our brave soldiers that they are not alone, they have many supporters from all around the world, and we will not surrender against the people who wants our destruction.
The last thing I would like to mention is, “Am Israel Chai”, The People of Israel lives!
Please watch the video I created "Israel - Always Together"

Laura Parienti was born in Paris, France but raised in Panama City, Panama. Laura has a huge love for Israel and the soldiers who protect it. To show them this admiration she created an Instagram account named @idflover. Israel is her identity through and through.
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