Sending Light From Around The World

This month, we invited people from all over the world to send us their smiles, messages of support and encouragement, any personal blessing they wanted to share with Israel’s Lone Soldiers.
And what a response we got! Friends, followers, and members of The Israel Forever Foundation along with Virtual Citizens of Israel from across the globe, young and old alike, joined us as we spread our light of love to the young men and women who have emigrated to Israel to defend our citizens and to fight for our peace and security.
We know how hard it is to be far away from family especially during the holidays. Chanukah in particular is a chag when families come together to kindle the lights of memory that recall the days when Jews were forbidden to practice free as Jews. Our very existence as a nation was threatened, but today we have Israel as a beacon of light amidst the darkness, a place where every Jew can live free and fight for freedom for all the peoples of the world who come to settle in our ancient homeland. Just as the miracle of the oil lasted 8 days, we hope this video montage will bring light to the hearts of all Lone Soldiers for the duration of Chanukah to remind you that we are all family and we are all united with you in our love of Israel.

The expressions of hope, pride and admiration that have been sent from Argentina, Holland, Denmark, New Jersey, Maryland, Israel, Canada and the Phillipines (just to name a few) emerge from a passionate commitment to the future of Israel. We are honored to offer such a wonderful display to brighten up this year’s Chanukah celebration. Enjoy the video clip with songs of Chanukah and images that are sure to put a smile on your face and fill your heart with joy!
Happy Chanukah to the Lone Soldiers of Israel!
We want to thank everyone who sent in their creative Chanukah cards and videos. You are an important part of the continued effort of Israel Forever and we are grateful for your involvement, interaction and inspiration. Your contributions of blogposts, comments, ideas, and of course donations show us that we are indeed responding to an important need in the world today – a place to come together to share the kaleidoscope of what is good about Israel.

Our initiative to unite Virtual Citizens of Israel ensures that everyone in the world can be a part of the ongoing project that is Israel, that we can all share in our commitment to her growth and prosperity. Join this fast-growing community today! We look forward to continuing to build opportunities for your interaction with Israel in as many ways as possible and that The Israel Forever Foundation will be a place where people from all faiths, races, political and spiritual affiliations can become united in their understanding, love, respect and pride for the Jewish State.
Chag Chanukah Sameach!
Elana Yael Heideman, Ph.D.
Executive Director
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