
Israel Engagement

Share the Love of #BirthrightForever

Tags: Social Media, Advocacy, Diaspora, Israel Engagement, Activism

You who came on Birthright can have a chance to Inspire Israel in others through social media - the most important tool we have to reaching more people with a personal message, in a personal way.


Birthright alumni sharing reflections, videos, and more on social media platforms can be an inspirational form of personal activism that can make a difference for many others. 


This will inspire those who are looking to understand why they should develop a connection with Israel and why every experience in Israel is memorable. It will inspire fellow Birthright alumni to consider how they, too, can make a difference. And it can make a dent in the waves of hate and lies that are spreading around the world through these very platforms.

  • Send in your video clips of powerful encounters and experiences during your visit. We know you've made them - we're here to help you share them with the world!
  • Share your thoughts on how someone can keep alive the Israel spark ignited by your 10-day trip - you never know the impact your words can have on someone else!
  • Reconnect with your fellow alumni and ask them to share their memories and messages to others...What inspired you the most from your trip in Israel? What was one thing you saw or experienced that will stay with you forever? What do you think is the most unique thing about Israel?

What do you think is the most unique thing about Israel that others should know? Spreading the truth about Israel and Jewish rights begins with YOU and every fact or personal reflection makes a difference!

We are proud to have Birthright Connect™ as an initiative of
The Israel Memory Project™, and now we are introducing a new platform for engagement of Birthright Alumni!

Join This Initiative!

Social Media for Israel is a crucial element to making a difference today! Join us and let us all stand up for Jewish rights and our one and only Jewish State of Israel!

Tags: Social Media, Advocacy, Diaspora, Israel Engagement, Activism