Write My Megillah - a Life’s Story Scroll

The story of Purim told in Megillat Esther is just one story of many times in history that Jewish people were bullied simply for being Jewish. Esther and Mordechai were the heroes of this story, each with their own special qualities and the decisions they made, saved the Jewish people from annihilation.
Each one of us is the hero in their own life. Write My Megillah is an activity that is a creative and empowering way to teach children to be their own hero - like Esther and Mordechai, they too can find courage, overcome obstacles and beat bullies.
Take this opportunity to have your children or your students reflect upon their life’s experiences. Have them write down their thoughts, feelings, emotions about different Jewish experiences they have had throughout their lives. Have they been to Israel? Did they attend a bar mitzvah or Passover seder that they really enjoyed? Perhaps there was a unique Chanukah celebration or Tu B’Shevat planting that they remember most?
Help them think about their memories, both good and “not so good”, while talking about how to balance between the ups and downs. This is an activity for them to reflect upon their life’s experiences. They do not have to share their stories with anyone out loud if they don’t want to.
Turn their writings into an official Megillah, have them write their stories on to blank paper. They can insert a text box and decorate the borders, or just write words on their pages like the original Megillat Esther.
Perhaps there was a time in your life you were bullied, either for being Jewish, or for some other reason. Bullying is not okay! If it does happen to you, you should always find a trusted adult to talk to and intervene to stop the bully and to help you. One way to handle and cope when faced with a troubling situation such as being bullied, picked on, or made fun of, is to write your down feelings.
- Blank paper
- Pencils
- Pens of various colors
- Tape or glue
- Wooden Dowel, if you want to make it into a scroll
Here is a sample of a Megillat Esther with pretty pictures along the border.

Here is an image of a Megillah that tells the story in words and in pictures.

1. Write your life megillah in a text box, then draw a picture about your experiences underneath, on top, or alongside the words to create your own personal illustrated story book!
NOTE: Be sure to number each page ON EITHER THE TOP OR BOTTOM CENTER of the page, NOT THE CORNERS, because the corners will be taped to the next page in sequential order.
2. Line up the pages in numerical order along your table space. First tape the right side of page 1 to the left side of page 2. Then tape the right side of Page 2 to the left side of page 3. Next tape the right side of page 3 to the left of page 4, and so on until all your pages are taped accordingly.
DON’T FORGET TO KEEP YOUR PAGE NUMBERS VISIBLE AND IN THE SAME SPOT ON EVERY PAGE so you can stack the pages in numerical order and prepare for the scrolling process.
3. Take a wooden dowel, preferably the length of your paper and tape the RIGHT SIDE LAST page of your story to the dowel.
4. Begin rolling the dowel inward. Be sure to roll towards the left. Roll nice and tight, being careful not to rip the pages.
5. Once completely rolled up, use a ribbon or even an elastic to keep it together.
Voila! Enjoy your own Life’s Story Scroll to keep forever!
Have your artwork featured in our online Israel in My Art gallery! Sign your artwork with your first name and last initial and email it to Stefie@IsraelForever.org
Painting as a part of a class or art group? Send us your selfies and group pics for a shoutout throughout our global Jewish community who loves sharing the Israel connection with their fellow Virtual Citizens of Israel around the world. Follow us social media and you can either post your pic online and tag us in your post or email it directly to Stefie@IsraelForever.org.
Help your students find unique ways you to incorporate the Israeli flag and the flag of the country in which you reside into your drawings as well, so that the world can see the vast number of nationalities of our IFF artists!

Stefanie Jo Heideman, founder of Art Escapades, is an art educator who believes that art is not supposed to be competitive, but rather a peaceful, relaxing experience for one to engage in and enjoy. As the Arts and Education Specialist for Israel Forever, Stefie is able to weave her love of Israel into her projects and lesson plans for individuals of all ages and stages of life.
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