You may read everything about Israel that is out there, you might follow all the news, love to research the history, you might know nothing.
You may be involved in one organization or 5, you may be a local leader or a mom or youth counselor. You might be active on social media, an advocate or silent listener, a teacher or a learner of whatever age and every age.
You were drawn towards declaring yourself a Virtual Citizen of Israel because you feel the connection that pulses through your veins - the bond with that place out there across the world that pulls at your heartstrings and reminds you that you are a part of something BIGGER.
WHAT can being a Virtual Citizen of Israel DO FOR YOU?

To aid your ongoing engagement, the goal of this community is to help you feel empowered to use your pride, commitment, passion, and creativity to being a Virtual Citizen of Israel as a personal badge of honor. We aim to provide unique ways for you to feel your connection live within you as an inspiration every day!
You, as a Virtual Citizen of Israel, have the power to influence your fellow Jews who are looking to channel their positive energies to deepening their connection with Israel.
Encourage your friends to be recognized for their commitment to Israel as Virtual Citizens of Israel (VCI) and to stand united in our declaration of solidarity to our one and only Jewish State.
We aim to provide Virtual Citizens of Israel a chance to engage with one another, learn, talk, comfort, explore, and truly foster a unity that will outlast our enemies and bridge the divisions between us through local and virtual opportunities.
SHARE YOUR PRIDE AS A VIRTUAL CITIZEN OF ISRAEL! Feeling engaged with Israel begins with YOU. It begins with every one of you opening up our mailings, reading a blog, following us on social media, and sharing our content with your family and friends.
Come join one of our communities and engage deeper!