
Join as a VCI


While our beloved homeland Israel is under attack, now more than ever is the time for us to stand with courage and pride as Virtual Citizens of Israel! 

Our unity, our solidarity, our commitment to the future of Israel relies on each one of us.

Join the Virtual Citizen of Israel™ global community that engages, inspired and empowers your personal connection with the Nation of Israel.

Fill in the information below to process your registration, receive a personal Certificate of Recognition, create your VCI Login and get exclusive VCIRewards discounts.

Feel Empowered as a VCI

We welcome Jewish and non-Jewish Friends of Israel Forever who would like to express their commitment to Jewish rights and Jewish sovereignty in our ancestral homeland to join us as Virtual Citizens of Israel.

Member Information

Membership Options

Complimentary VCI Passport, content subscription, and Certificate of Recognition

VCI Passport, Premium access, resources and content subscription, personalized program opportunities, VCI Rewards, and Certificate of Recognition

Exclusive VCI Passport, access, resources and content subscription, personalized program opportunities, VCI Rewards, Certificate of Recognition and public recognition in the Ambassador's Club

For Friends of the Jewish Nation
Certificate of Recognition, access to materials, and more

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