International Statements of Affirmation of Jewish Rights

To be a member of the people of Israel is to not only be immersed in its culture of determination and courage, but also its deep-rooted history dating back thousands of years.
Every one of us must raise our voices in affirmation of our ancestral and indigenous rights to the Land of Israel, and NOW is your chance!
As a part of Forum 75 and the commemoration of 75 years of international recognition of indigenous Jewish rights to our ancestral homeland, we want to feature YOU and YOUR statement of affirmation!
Send us your video or written message and join thousands of fellow Virtual Citizens of Israel in raising their voices in unison to reaffirm the rights we all seek to protect from the toxic impact of the modern-day slander and libel against our nation.

No propaganda is as strong as our people's truth of 3000 years. Only we can ensure that our messages are heard among the screams of hatred from the streets and social media screens. Only we can make sure our next generation remains connected, commited, and proud of the rich history and heritage we carry.
Let us not stand idly by while others try to steal away our inheritance, our birthright. Let us unite today, tomorrow and forever for the sake of our People of Israel and our national destiny!